Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm gutted

Trouble picked on the wrong horse in the pasture on Wednesday. He got kicked right in the hock and he's on stall rest now for the next two or three months. The vet gives Trouble a good chance of coming back completely sound. The thought that he is so injured that he might not come back sound just breaks my heart.

This is a picture of the bandage he has to wear until Monday. The vet will take a look at his wound and make a decision of how to proceed with treatment.

Trouble is pretty messed up. The vet said she has seen only one other injury like this and the horse came back sound but not before having to go to university to have a bone cyst removed that developed from the injury.

One of my colleagues gave me a wise quote that essentially said, "Worrying is what we do when we hope for an outcome that is out of our hands and we think that worrying will help." I guess I need to start praying instead.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

2011 Nov Cindy Stanton Clinic - Day 2

We started today's session with some change of speed at the trot. We started with trot-walk transitions. Then moved onto working trot-slow trot-working trot transitions. This is pretty much in line with the work I was already doing with Tricia to use the slowing seat movement I use to go back to a walk as a half-halt.

Today we did a little lateral work with Trouble. Cindy wants me to start working leg yield and shoulder fore into his training. The purpose isn't really to perform lateral work, it's to get him to move his rib cage out and reconnect contact with the outside rein when I lose it. Although I have to admit that I'm not sure how frequently I should be practicing this lateral work.

This is our lateral exercises today. To the right, I had a very difficult time with the shoulder fore. Whenever I moved his shoulder in he would start turning. I had a very difficult time getting Trouble to listen to my inside leg pushing him out.

To the left, it was more difficult, I didn't get as much movement but he did seem to respond evenly.

I was also really impressed with his canter. I think it's improved a lot. His frame has lengthened and the gait slowed since August. What was really interesting is when Cindy told me to balance Trouble down the long side. Trouble loses his balance evenly, when I'm crooked and even when he goes down hill. This slope is so slight and still I had to balance him and the improvement in his stride is quite noticeable.

Cindy has a way of bringing out the best in rider and horse. I'm looking forward to riding with her again on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2011 Nov Cindy Stanton Clinic

Trouble and I rode with Cindy Stanton today. He did really well and Cindy really likes his mind.

We talked about his short strided hind end and she thinks that his hocks are fusing and it should go away within a year. She said we could probably give Trouble hock injections to help get through this or just take it easy with him.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Honest Horse

I've started jumping Trouble. I started jumping him because I think he needs cross training, not just dressage, in order to strengthen his muscles. I need to find some other stuff to do with him, like trail riding or hill work.

So it turns out that Trouble is the most honest horse I've ever jumped. You just need to point him at a fence and he goes. He'll go over anything.

I'd like to show him in Dressage in recognized shows next year and Combined Training (CT) in schooling shows and see if we can get any awards next year. I talked to Jen about it and she is willing to take Trouble and I to her hunter shows so we can get some confidence in the jumping ring.

We had a lesson today and he is getting better. He isn't completely tracking up but his hind foot is at least reaching his front footprint now. He has probably added about six inches to his stride.

Overall, it has been a very good week.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sylvia Zerbini Grand Liberty Tour

Luann and I watched Sylvia Zerbini give a symposium on working in liberty with horses. It was a two hour event, with the first hour being a liberty performance. During the second hour Sylvia demonstrated how she begins working with horses in liberty.

For me it was eye opening. One of the things that really struck me is that she says that horses remember images. She paints an image of her being a safe place for her horses. When they are being naughty, she chases them away from her. Only when they are good, they are allowed to come to her.

She scratches them on the back as a reward.

Sylvia strongly believes that working horses in liberty helps form a strong bond of trust that carries forward in other work. It makes sense to me.

I think this would be a good thing for me to practice with Trouble. I worked a little in liberty with Trouble today. When I went to catch him, he walked away from me. So I chased him and chased him. Eventually he came to me but then he ran away again. So I chased him some more until he settled. He wouldn't come to me but he went into the corner by the gate and waited for me.

When I took him out of the pasture he was a lot calmer than normal and he was happier. He walked beside me and with energy. It carried over into the ride.

I'll have to keep a log on this and see if there is long term improvement.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Profile of Trouble

I'd like to take profile pictures of Trouble from time-to-time to evaluate our progress in developing muscle. I've been working with him since July.

Trouble's neck and hindquarters are definitely more muscled. That's cool!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Working on Relaxation and Rhythm

It's been a while since I posted. We stepped down Trouble's training program, focusing on rhythm and relaxation. His steps got quicker and quicker. We thought that the issues was his feet were becoming sore from getting too short. But after Trouble got shoes, his stride didn't improve.

So I've spent the last two weeks just working on stretchy walk, trot, and canter. I don't think it's helping much. One trainer that hadn't seen Trouble in a while saw a big improvement, which is heartening. But I'm not feeling him tracking up. I haven't felt any improvement in the last two weeks.

Tricia will be back Monday. It will be interesting to see what she thinks.